Welcome to EPLtrainers.com. New look but the same great quality training.
We're always adding new sessions so check back or contact us if you don't see exactly what you're looking for.
Training Philosophy
We cover compliance policy, leadership skills, and professional development in a captivating way without detracting from the message, leading to more employee buy-in and engagement. Our consultants will meet your training needs with relevant content, practical tools, and minimal legalese with lots of humor and energy.
We do not believe in the “Scared Straight Program”; no employee appreciates being treated like an at-risk future sexual harasser or discriminator.
Our team has been training personnel in both the public and private sectors since 1996. We have trained and consulted with thousands of employees.
Go beyond the "Dos" and "Don'ts". We cover serious subjects in a captivating way without detracting from the serious nature of compliance sessions.
Session Offerings:
Harassment & Discrimination
Examine the requisite laws and human interaction skills needed to navigate differences. Session meets compliance requirements.
Compliant with CA AB 1825 & SB 1343
Public Entity Ethics
The public demands transparency and avoiding even the appearance of impropriety from its leaders. Examine the relevant laws and ethics to maintain credibility and transparency.
Managers + Supervisors 101
Learn the difference between managing and leading. Understand the employment laws and regulations affecting workplace relationships.
Honing leaderships skills and investing in employee development adds to workplace culture in productive and positive ways.
Session Offerings:
Effectively Managing a Remote Workforce
Examine the benefits and challenges of a diverse workforce. Learn the skills to positively navigate and embrace that diversity.
Harnessing the Power to Achieve Your Objectives
Empowering participants to tap into the unique skills and talents of their team to achieve greater productivity and create sustained positive change.
Leaders in the 2020s and beyond
Focusing on the skills of adaptive capacity, communication flexibility, delegation dynamism, self awareness and conflict resolution participants will understand the key characteristics of leadership in these unprecedented times.
Education sessions provide more nuts and bolts training for running day to day operations. We want to equip your employees with skills to better meet the demands of their job.
Session Offerings:
Harnessing a Diverse Workforce
Examine the benefits and challenges of a diverse workforce. Learn the skills to positively navigate and embrace that diversity.
Counseling & Discipline
Help managers and supervisors understand the importance of counseling/disciplining within the context of the law and company policies
Performance Evaluations
Learn the lost art of writing and delivering an effective performance evaluation.