Lead with influence and power, not just authority.
Leadership looks like:
Approachability and Receptiveness sets an inclusive tone
Appreciate that the power of your leadership comes from the team
Diligent Followership
Earn respect & trust by being a coach & team player
Effective Communication
Inspire your team to listen, understand, & act
Leadership is a Relationship.
Leaders empower Followers, and Followers empower Leaders.
We will help your

Most experts can agree on a universal definition of leadership.
But there is no SINGLE definition of a leader.
We believe in fostering the leadership potential in your entire team. We offer workshops and trainings to help leaders develop the necessary characteristics and skills to lead with influence and power, as well as authority.
Leadership Development Trainings & Workshops
Download more of our Training Catalog Here:
The influencers in any organization need to understand that they are expected to manage people....
LENGTH: 2-3 hours
OBJECTIVES: Leadership Development, Organizational
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
Understanding the distinction between the role of a leader versus manager is a critical principle. While there
is no universal definition of leader, we can define manager. The influencers in any organization need to understand that they are expected to manage people, projects and resources when necessary, but they need to be leaders always. Promotion and position may give people the authority to lead, but leaders need more than that. They need the power to lead. This session identifies the roles that managers and leaders play within an organization, how authentic power is achieved beyond authoritative power, and what leaders need to do to effectively lead a group to achieve objectives. This session also focuses on a variety of leadership characteristics and leadership styles to manage a diverse workforce and take the steps necessary to handle inevitable conflict.
Manager vs. Leader
Manager vs. Leader:
Leadership Excellence in the Hybrid World
Returning to the workplace in 2022-2023 allows organizations to address a long overlooked...
LENGTH: 2 hours
OBJECTIVES: Leadership Development, Workplace Morale,
Engagement & Productivity
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
Returning to the workplace in 2022 allows organizations to address a long overlooked workplace challenge: burnout. In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined it as an "occupational phenomena" and defined it as a "syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed." This training gives all employees the skills necessary to identify, work though, and overcome burnout. All participants will leave this session with a revitalized passion for work and concrete strategies to create a resilient team. Participants will be equipped with tools to improve team performance, efficiency and connection.
Revitalizing a Resilient Workforce
Revitalizing a Resilient Workforce:
Mitigating Burnout
Because conflict will always happen, this is our most popular session. The difference between...
LENGTH: 2-3 hours
OBJECTIVES: Conflict Resolution, Leadership Development &
Team Building
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
Because conflict will always happen, this is our most popular session. The difference between great teams and dysfunctional teams is not the absence of conflict, it is the collective ability to not let the conflict define the team. When harmful conflict happens the byproduct is wedges driven into relationships. Wedges left unattended are the catalyst to destroy individuals, teams ,departments, and organizations. Each of us possesses a well-developed Human Interaction Toolbelt (Toolbelt ) with all the skills needed to successfully engage one another. This session will focus on helping participants sharpen some of those tools and obtain a Wedge Remover to add to their Toolbelt . When team members use their Wedge Remover and encourage others to do likewise, they can be assured that their teams will be characterized by greater harmony, productivity and efficiency.
The Wedge
The Wedge:
A Simple Metaphor to Improve All
Your Workplace Relation
The pandemic generated one of the greatest workplace paradigm shifts and social...
LENGTH: 1.5 hours
OBJECTIVES: Belonging, Morale, Leadership Development &
Performance Management
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
The pandemic generated one of the greatest workplace paradigm shifts and social experiments in modern history. Almost overnight we removed millions of employees from the workplace and asked them to stay home and work. Over coming the work-from-home distractions, lack of in-person supervision, and accessibility issues will help employees. However, the greatest challenge for most remote employees is the isolation and lack of connection. This session focusses on solutions to these challenges, and best practices for creating the optimal structure to help employees succeed in the remote and hybrid environment. This session includes a discussion of leadership qualities necessary in times of crisis to bring peace, security, and confidence to employees.
Effectively Managing a Hybrid Workforce
Effectively Managing a
Hybrid Workforce
This session focuses on the practical skills necessary to harness your organization's leadership...
LENGTH: 3 hours
OBJECTIVES: Goal Setting, Motivating Teams, Effective
Delegation, Performance Management
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
This session focuses on the practical skills necessary to harness your organization's leadership potential into improved team efficiency, engagement, and productivity. Participants will better understand every team members' role and how to help the employee take ownership in it as well. The discussion will dive into necessities like goal setting, how to motivate others to achieve, effective delegation and performance management.
And because conflict is inevitable session participants will also come away with the necessary tools to navigate conflict leading to positive outcomes and increased team harmony.
Leaders today must balance leading and managing in various environments at any given time, these foundational skills are paramount to an organization's success.
Leading to Achieve
Leading to Achieve
A common characteristic found in great teams and relationships is fundamentally...
LENGTH: 2 hours
OBJECTIVES: Communication, Morale, Problem Solving, and
Conflict Resolution
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
A common characteristic found in great teams and relationships is fundamentally sound communication. This session focuses on the foundations of good communication--what, how, and when to use them, and the importance of communication to solve workplace and relationship challenges. This session provides participants with tools to communicate their way to achievement, as well as empower people to respond to and address unwanted conduct at work. When a workforce is empowered with communication skills, there are very few things they cannot achieve.
Effective Communication for Workplace Success
Effective Communication for
Workplace Success
Shifting a culture must be addressed at the foundational level for it to have lasting...
LENGTH: 2 hours
OBJECTIVES: Culture Shifting, Leadership Development,
Performance Management & Morale
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
We could continue to rely on a tradition of annual performance evaluations to document that good employees are doing well and bad employees need to improve (and make our employment defense counsel very happy). Or we could reimagine a traditional practice and revitalize our workplace with more regular Check-Ins.
This session will focus on how to implement a process for regular employee coaching and Check-Ins with employees to remind those good employees how great they are and how much we value them in our organization. These regular Check-Ins also serve as a reminder for those employees that need to improve their performance. Our discussion will focus on how these Check-Ins should be structured (e.g., how long, how often, who should attend, and where should they take place), what should be covered during the Check-In, and how the messaging is critical. Easing the annual burden felt by managers and supervisors who procrastinate the task of writing and delivering annual performance evaluations. Through this process and structure good employees will be consistently reminded they are valued and thus increase their organizational commitment and engagement, while underperforming and underachieving employees will realize they cannot escape accountability so they will need to improve or move-on. The result: a revitalized workforce where people feel they are working in an appreciative and equitable environment.
Reimagining Performance Management
Reimagining Performance
Manager's and supervisors face the challenge of gaining and keeping the trust of...
LENGTH: 2 hours
OBJECTIVES: Communication, Morale, Problem Solving,
Conflict Resolution
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
Today's managers and supervisors face the challenge of gaining and keeping the trust of staff, personnel, and the leadership above them. The ability to develop, keep and rebuild trust is not only necessary but it is what will shift the culture of organization towards positive sustained change by giving leaders the power to lead. This skill gives them the fortitude to make the tough decisions and generate buy-in from all involved parties. This training focuses on 3 components of developing trust: building great relationships, utilizing good judgment, and being consistent. By discussing concrete strategies in these three areas, leaders will be able to not only trust themselves but also be able to successfully navigate tough conversations with team members, earn the confidence of their colleagues, and be a trusted team member by the leadership at the top.
The Power to Lead: Building and Rebuilding Trust
Harnessing the Power to Lead:
Building & Rebuilding Trust
Shifting a culture must be addressed at the foundational level for it to have lasting...
LENGTH: 2 hours
OBJECTIVES: Culture Shifting, Leadership Development,
Performance Management & Morale
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
Shifting a culture must be addressed at the foundational level for it to have lasting effect. Issues plaguing a workplace culture must be removed at the root level to achieve sustained change. Anything less is a temporary band-aid approach. Creating sustained change in relationships and workplace culture requires use of these four maxims of change.
1. Walk the Talk - Credibility Maxim
2. Encourage Authentic Participation - Buy-In Maxim
3. Champion the Cause - Momentum Maxim
4. Encourage Accountability - Morale Maxim.
Any organization can achieve the change objectives they desire. This session will empower all participants to understand how to achieve sustained change to a more positive workplace culture, a culture defined by support and teamwork, or a culture of belonging.
The Maxims of Change
The Maxims of Change:
Four Keys to Positive Sustained Change
With the news is full of bullying and harassment headlines, it is evident that some folks in....
LENGTH: 2 hours
OBJECTIVES: Compliance training for harassment and
discrimination prevention
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
With all the sexual harassment and bullying in the news, it is evident that some folks in the workforce are not getting the message. All members of an organization are entitled to a workplace free of unwelcome bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.
This session is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and tools to identify, address, and respond to such unlawful conduct. This session will focus on educating participants on what constitutes sexual harassment, forms of discrimination, and the legal definition of retaliation. This session also includes a discussion on abusive conduct, i.e., bullying, and how to prevent it or respond to it when it occurs at work. The discussion will include the adverse impact of such behaviors on a workplace culture, ways to prevent them from occurring, and also how to respond to allegations of harassing and bullying behaviors in the workplace.
Harassment Prevention
Workplaces that Work for All of Us:
A Harassment Prevention Session
This session is AB1825, SB1343, & AB 1661 Compliant
Public Agency Leadership:
This session will focus on the state and federal regulations that outline ethical conduct...
LENGTH: 2 hours
OBJECTIVES: Ethics Compliance for Local Government Officials
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
This session will focus on the state and federal regulations that outline ethical conduct for public agency employees and officials. Specifically, this session will cover laws relating to personal financial gain by public servants, including, laws prohibiting bribery and conflict-of-interest laws, laws relating to claiming prerequisites of office, such as gifts and travel restrictions, prohibitions against the use of public resources for personal or political purposes, prohibitions against gifts of public funds, mass mailing restrictions, and prohibitions against acceptance of free or discounted transportation by transportation companies. This session will also focus on government transparency laws, including, but not limited to, financial interest disclosure requirements and open government laws and laws relating to fair processes.
Ethics for Public Entity Officials
Preserving Public Trust:
Ethics for Public Agencies
This session is AB1234 Compliant
Elected and appointed officials operate at their highest and most effective level when they are...
LENGTH: 2 hours
OBJECTIVES: Effective Governance
FORMAT: Available Live in-person, virtually, or hybrid
Elected and appointed officials operate at their highest and most effective level when they are focused on discharging their duties as a governance team member. The public expects their local government officials to stay within the bounds of their authority as they lead the City. This ensures the creation of a predictable workplace culture for City employees. This also ensures the immunities afforded members of the governance team are maintained.
Specifically, this session will cover the origins of power the City Council exercises and how the people who grant them such authority remain in charge and do not yield their sovereignty. This session will review some aspects of transparency laws, the importance of maintaining the public trust, and the importance of staying within the bounds of established municipal codes and state and federal law.
Finally, this session focuses on principles of leadership and the value of effective delegation to a City leadership team charged with executing the vision of the governance team.